Monday, January 19, 2009

Title change

Hey friends and family and whomever else may have stumbled upon this blog. I got an email from my friend at Google yesterday, she told me she'd like to make my blog a "Blog of Note," which is cool, but not a big deal. Anyway, my mom has been on my case lately about putting too much private information on my blog, and now with this development it is time to change the title of my blog--for obvious reasons. The temporary title--the Maizey Diaries, is okay but not edgy, or whimsical, or ironic, or anything aside from obvious. I will be working on coming up with something that is one (or all) of those things, but if you have any suggestions I will gladly accept them.
On a side note, my mom being all worried about private info on the web prompted me to do a search on myself. I found my address, my relatives' addresses, all the cities I've lived in, and perhaps the weirdest/scariest is the street photos of my house. Literally photos of the front of my house--not the aerial photos that have been available for a long time. I guess in this day and age you just hope that the boogeyman doesn't have internet access.


Lacey said...

Scary!! I got shivers just thinking about pictures of your house and who/when they were taken. I may do a search of myself as well.

Beth Zarling said...

I am the one that took those pictures.... and I am sitting outside your house right now! Reet, reet reet (psycho stabbing noise)

Mo said...

That's why I haven't joined facebook; i'm a bit paranoid about too much information being out there for others to find. Though I find it hard to believe that some random voyeurs would even want to read about us... But you never know.

DeeDee said...

Blog of note... look out! I'm warning you now, you'll get readers from ALL OVER. Some a little odd... but it's fun to meet new people through blogger world!

Unknown said...

think about what dee dee said iss it worth it?

Sandy Jorgensen said...

The boogey man scares me too but I don't think he can type so maybe he won't own a computer! Spends too much time under beds. Beautiful pics of baby.