Thursday, November 6, 2008

Don't tell...

Maizey she just had surgery. I don't think she knows. She's literally CRAZY! Here are pics of her progress, she was REALLY swollen this morning, but looking much better tonight.
Can't you see the crazy look in my eye???NUTS-O!


Anonymous said...

WOW. way too freaking cute!

Georgia said...

It's amazing how quickly they bounce back! i love it!! She's getting so big!!

Beth Zarling said...

I wish I healed that fast. It wouldn't make me think twice about having all the plastic surgery I will need to put my body back after this kid! :)

Jessica Zevely said...

So so so happy! I am so thrilled that she's recovering so wonderfully! I'm sure she won't be swollen anymore in a couple days and then we'll never even know which eye is was closest to!!

jessica corotan said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly babies recover! We were in te ER with Malina a few weeks ago. Stiches and all...the next morning she was acting like nothing had happened! So gald Maizey is feeling good! Love you.