Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just Cute

So this is for you Auntie Vicki. I'm sure I'll have some more Christmas photos to post tomorrow night, but this is to tide you over...
Sporting her new vest from Grammy and Grampy and sweater from Brion and Mistilyn.
She looks a little intoxicated here, I assure you, she's not!Contemplative.I know it's not in focus, but that face is so sweet. My silly, little baby. I'm so in love.
She's getting really good at standing up in her crib. I can't put her down in her crib without her immediately rolling over and standing up. This doesn't bode well for trying to get her to start sleeping in her crib. Here she is, it's not her fastest time, but it's still pretty good.


Erika said...

That outfit is ridiculous!!! I love it. It's only as cute as the wearer though, and she is SUPA CUTE! Merry XMAS!!!

Ashley Bruggeman said...

Lana, your little girl just gets cuter and cuter everyday! Thanks for sharing her with us on your blog...

Georgia said...

omg that video is so awsome! i can't believe she is so big and getting up on her own...i just dont see her enough! i still picture her to be so small and tiny! I love her saying "ta daa"!!

al said...

omg. Is it just me, or is she a genius? Amazing. She is talking and moving ALOT for her age is you ask me. go maizey, go maizey, go maizey!

Unknown said...

this makes my mornings sweet Lana, watchings videos of Maizeylou is so much fun. I wish I could download those too, GG

Jessica Zevely said...

I heart Maizey Lou.

I watch that video and my uterus aches!!!