I knew my life would change when I became a mom. I didn't know that I would have to multitask even when I vacuum. Here I am breaking in my new heels and baby wearing while I tidy up. These days, the only way to keep Maizey happy is to strap her to my torso.
Here she is being plain, old cute.
This is how I found her when I was done doing dishes. She played herself to sleep and the pacifier just fell out of her mouth. So friggen cute.
Lana, one word -- AMAZING. Whoever dreamed that you would be BREAKING IN HEELS, VACUUMING, and all with your child strapped to your stomach. Amazing. I can't remember the last time you looked so funny, or attractive. my girl is fuine (fine) love you
Oh my gosh Lan! She is so big! I can't wait to see you guys on Monday! Love, Tia Yessy
Now that's a fine pair of legs right there...can i get a close up? You are the best multi-tasking lady i know...You are gorgeous and so is Maizey.
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