Sunday, October 5, 2008

Surgery and Salmon Days

Well, we had some excellent news this week. And, by excellent, I mean amazing, wonderful, glorious. Thursday was my mom's partial mastectomy. Maizey, my mom, and I all headed to the hospital at 5am for a day of waiting and surgery and cafeteria food. My mom's surgery got started early at 10:45 (it wasn't supposed to start until 12:30) and she was out around 1pm. That is when her doctor called the room where my dad, Maize, and I were all waiting (we had our own private family room with a TV and couch--awesome). She gave us the great news: the surgery was NOT present in the lymph nodes!! Which effectively means the cancer did not metastasize. Which means my mom will not need chemo! The doc removed 4 of the sentinel lymph nodes anyway just to be safe. They will do pathology on the nodes and the tumor that was removed. As long as the margins are clear on the removed tissue and the nodes don't show any abnormality we can say my mom is cancer free!!!! We should know the results of the pathology report in the next week or so. She'll still have to have radiation to be extra, super safe, which sucks, but it's totally worth it! Anyway, right now she is at home taking it easy. She's had some really sore moments and she's tired, but mostly she is doing really well.

On Saturday Ryan, Maizey, and I all went to Salmon Days in Issaquah. It's kind of a long drive these days, but it was something I always did growing up and I really wanted to go this year--even with the rain and the wind. Plus, I'd drive for days to get the roasted corn they always sell in the center of the festivities. I LOVE it, and I've gotten Ryan hooked on it too. I topped off the corn with a strawberry shortcake, and a salmon burger (in that order). Because, after visiting the hatchery and seeing dying, torn-up salmon, and salmon carcases in the stream all anyone would want to eat is a salmon burger, right? Maizey had a lot of fun too. I was worried that I'd win the parent of the year award for taking her outside for the afternoon when it was pouring rain and windy, but there were plenty of other parents there who actually deserved the award more than me. At least Maizey had her legs and head covered and we had the um-ba-rella and stroller for the really rainy moments. Plenty of winner parents had their kids in shorts/skirts and I saw more than one infant with soaking wet hair!!

Okay, I'm supposed to be studying for a quiz that I have to take online before 11:59pm!! I gotta stop procrastinating!

Maizey and one of daddy's protein shakes (he's a gym addict these days).

Just cute. She always wants my camera and my phone.

Maizey keepin' grandma company at the hospital.

Maizey driving to Salmon Days. She took her lessons from Sean Preston Federline.

A slightly over-exposed looking Ryan. On our way to Salmon Days!

Maizey loved the wind.

Ryan loved me.

Maiey in the Moby.

My salmon burger. Mmm onions!

Ryan in a better mood after his piroshky.

Maizey and her favorite blanket that Auntie Ashley made her.

Playing with her feet puppets.

We were all doing tummy time.


Anonymous said...

im so glad to hear about your mom -- thats absolutely AMAZING news :)

looks like you had fun at salmon days -- ive never heard about it, but i will for sure be hitting that up next year with the little one..

oh and by the way -- new pictures are GREAT -- Maizey is absolutely adorable.

Erika said...

Cute. Cute. Cute. I love the photos!!!

Jessica Zevely said...

How awesome is this news? Thank God! I'm so happy for your mommy and you guys!

That picture of the 3 of you just might have to go up on my wall.

Auntie Jess

The LePiane's said...

I'm soooo soooo happy for you and your family. That's such soul-easing news. Whew!

Ummm...your family is really cute. But, you already knew that.

Georgia said...

Im so glad to see this post! i was thinking about your mom on our trip!! Such good news!! That is awsome!! And new pics on here are always a treat for blog stalkers like myself!!

Beth Zarling said...

J and I almost went to Salmon Days! I love "fair" food. I will brave anything for it.