Sunday, August 30, 2009

This is my ode to being 15 and dramatic. Come and share your old diary entries. Read mine. Share pictures of you at 15, or 13. Post your favorite quote from Heathers. Whatever you want. Remember how Forrest Findley told you that you had hairy legs on picture day in the 5th grade and how you cried and your mom promptly came to school with a pair of overalls to cover up your white, scabby, and apparently hairy, little legs? Here is the place to finally let it all out. Get it off your chest. You'll feel so much better if you do, and we'll all have a good laugh because you did.

5th grade, picture day...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life is good--at the moment...

Well, life was good when I started this blog post, but I've been dilly dallying--you know when you stumble across old photos and videos and you end up spending hours on the computer when you never intended to? I was feeling great, drinking some good coffee, nibbling on a jelly donut and listening to my show tunes station on Pandora. But, I think my percocet is wearing off, so now I'm feeling a little pukey and my eyes are sensitive and my mouth is starting to hurt.

Actually, I think I will take a break from blogging for the moment. It's virtually unheard of for me to stop blogging in the middle of a blog post, but I promise, I will be back. SAVE NOW.

Well, I'm back, but I'm going to be brief. It turned into a really intense bout of nausea, but I ate some mashed potatoes and took more meds and now I'm feeling slightly better, but not great. My doctor told me that pain peaks at 48hrs post surgery, and she was right--almost to the minute! The title of this post is funny, I just saw it again. Life was good, but that is moment by moment right now.

Anyway, I sat down to blog because I was feeling so lucky. Between my mom, my husband, and my amazing mother-in-law, I've been well taken care of. I can't express to you how grateful I am to have such amazing grandmothers for my daughter. I was never as close to either one of my grandmas as Maizey is to BOTH of hers. Times were different though, I was one of many grandchildren on both sides, and Maizey is the only grandchild on either side! She is so loved and well taken care of by both sets of grandparents and by her her amazing auntie Erika. I'm sure my mom and Jan would love to have lots of grandchildren, but I always remind my mom how much better it is that she can fully devote herself to Maizey, and she's lucky to not have to spread herself too thin--she can focus 100% on Maizey--which is good because the diva demands it!

That's the other thing. Maizey has been sosososo much fun lately. I know I keep saying it, but this is my favorite age. Granted, I think it was about a month ago that I was blogging that I gave birth the devil incarnate, but I've adjusted and learned how to manage the craziness, and she was going through an especially devilish time back then. I'm always just a few steps behind her, so it takes me a few days/weeks to adjust to where she takes me. She's just so happy and silly and smart. It kills me. She's pretty good at repeating words, and my 2 favorites are Lou lou which she says "lur lur" and Spongebob which she says "sp-pause and nod her head-bob." Also, her dancing drives me crazy, the minute music comes on she throws her arms up in the air and just starts bouncing. This morning I put on her favorite kids' cd, which starts off with Old McDonald and she just let loose. It's the cutest thing ever. And, at Little Gym, she runs all over and just "sucks the marrow out of life" (I bet Thoreau never intended that to refer to playing at the Little Gym). She has so much joy she can't even contain it. It's addicting. And, she's jumping. There are kids who are 4-5mos older than her in her class and she's the only one who can jump and get air--we're talking a whole inch here, people!! She's not uber advanced with language, she's pretty much just doing what she should be, but she is very advanced with her motor skills. And, she has the best sense of humor of most any person I've ever met--let alone toddler.

So I said I'd be brief, I don't want to blog myself sick again, so I'm going to be true to that. I just want to thank my friends, all of whom have updated their blogs recently--except Georgia 'cause she's too busy making homemade donuts (who does that???). Also, I wanted to let my ladyfriends know that I'm going to start another blog, here in the very near future, where I just post old diary entries. I was rereading some of mine when I was going through my memory box the other day and they are hysterical! I want everyone to fish out their old diaries and get ready to share some of their own too. I'll setup the blog so that everyone can post--let me know if you want to get in on it. It'll be really funny. My first post is going to be an emotional letter that I wrote (but never gave) to my sister about how much I would miss her when she goes to college. Good stuff.


This is a photo I texted to my sis yesterday so that she could see my silly face. My narcotics had just started working and I was feeling good. I had been taking vicodin and it wasn't working at all so they gave me something stronger and I took it while the vidocin was still in my system. I sent Erika the text with picture and told her I was higher than I had been since I was a teenager. She loved it and insisted I put it on the blog. Needless to say, I quickly became dizzy and needed to lie down. I was too afraid to fall alseep, I was afraid I'd die because of the steriod/antibiotic/iburprofen/percocet/vicodin combo--like Heath Ledger. I told Ryan to call to check on me if I fell asleep and he just texted back "RIP." Well, I didn't fall asleep after that.

Here I am this morning. Puffy. Looking really pretty. Just before the barfy bout.

Yesterday I desperately needed to get out of the house, so we went on a family trip to the school 1 block from our house. Jan just got Maizey this little sweatshirt and these shorts and I thought she looked so cute! Like she just got out of toddler yoga.
I'm such a sucker for these teeth! I know most toddlers have a gap in their teeth, but I really hope it stays. It's sososo cute.

She's so agile, she climbed this ladder all by herself, we are just there to spot her!
She'd rather walk up the slide than go down it!
Look how gorgeous my husband and daughter are. I look like, hmm, let's just say I look really bad. This is an incentive to not ever gain 10lbs in my face.
This should be Lou's incentive to not gain anymore weight either. This poor dog, it's hard to watch her go for walks. She's obese. Morbidly. But not because we're bad dog owners. It's because she has major PTSD.
She thought daddy's eye sockets (or orbital foramens--you're impressed, huh?) made nice handles, lucky for daddy.
She insists on holding the leash...
which is okay because they walk at the same pace.
She loves to help her grammies do yard work. Here is my mom watering the garden that my mother-in-law planted for us. I know, I'm lucky.
Jan gave us these huge pieces of paper that we just cover the coffee table with and let Maize color on. She LOVES to color--well she likes to color, but she LOVES to eat crayons and colored pencils. We don't let her use the crayons anymore--the pencils are less edible.
But still kind of edible. Playing in a sprinkler puddle.Post playing in a sprinkler puddle.So, just about every morning I text my sister a picture of Maizey. She calls/texts me demanding that I do so! Technology is amazing. Anyway, I just uploaded my pics from my Blackberry onto the computer and I wanted to share some of these, 'cause they're so cute. For some reason Blackberries are really slow to take photos, so they're not always the greatest but they're still so cute. Her morning face is the cutest, and she always walks around with her "treasures" in crazy outfits...
Brushing her teeth in the shower! Good girl!

Watching the Today show--probably.
With her sunhat and broom and dustpan.
Her camera and my camera bag. Isn't this outfit ridiculous in an adorable way?
Cheesin' it up, LOVE the dimple!
Her good morning smile for auntie!
Now I'm off to lay in bed and try and convince Ryan to bring me home a grilled cheese and a milk shake from Burgermaster. He's working overtime today and Maizey is with Gran Jan, I've got the house all to myself! I LOVE it!

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm wondering...

Can toddlers survive on Pirate's Booty, fruit, pasta, and eggs? I know that sounds like a lot (or maybe it doesn't), but my kid eats some variety of carbs and cheese at just about every meal. No veggies, EVER! She sees something green and instantly avoids it, even if it's not a veggie. I'm sick of having to trick her into eating veggies, so I think we'll be on the carbs and dairy plan for awhile. Actually, I think I'm on the carbs and dairy plan...

What else? I'm having my wisdom teeth out on Thursday. I'm SO nervous about it. I don't know why. I've had 2 surgeries now and both have been a whole lot easier than I thought they'd be. My mom is coming to stay to help with Maizey for 2 days--thank god! I'm really worried about the pain. I'm also worried I will be considerably less smart after they come out.

I'm listening to my Pandora station right now and Jungle Love's "The Time" just came on. Why do they think I want to hear this song? "Jungle Love. ohweeohweeoh. Girl I got to show ya..."

Not much else to report, Maizey is adorable and cute and so silly and fun. And, a LOT of work! I think I'm going to just forget the whole crib transition and put her straight into a single mattress on the floor. I think she'll like that better. Either way, I have to get her out of my bed. It's not fun anymore. She's a "kicker," but I would say that she's more of an equal opportunity abuser--she kicks, hits, and just generally makes you uncomfortable when she is asleep beside you. She's too big to be in bed with us. We tried to share a queen sized bed at the cabin and all 3 of us slept poorly.

Okay, I'm apparently out of interesting material. Here are some photos from our vacation to the cabin...

Cute after a trip out to the beach.

Louise in one of her few appearances outside of the cabin.

Exploring the tide lands with Grammy.
My mom's cooking is enough to get anyone to drive 2.5 hours in the car with a fussy toddler!

This is the best photo of all 3 of us on our trip. Needless to say, there were some pretty awful photos.
Such a tired baby after fun, long cabin days.
Getting ready for a hike to see Uncle Fred! The Serious Twins.

Ryan took Maizey to the old, abandoned saw mill--much to my chagrin. I told Ryan, this is exactly how scary movies always start, and the outcome is never good. Luckily for us, everyone made it out alive.
A VERY choppy evening in Tahuya. I love it when it's like this, so I HAD to swim!
Daddy playing with Maize and Lou.

Doggy kisses.Trouble makers...
Waiting in the ferry line.
Kissing in the ferry line.
Here's a cute video of Maizey being silly in her pool while we were at the cabin.

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Monday, August 17, 2009

My baby's got sauce!

And by sauce I don't just mean attitude, I mean snot. Maizey has a cold. This is what she gets from kissing every kid and a few of the adults at her Little Gym class last week. She's learning the penalty for being, er, promiscuous??? at an early age. Anyway, it's terrible. Not as bad as a stomach flu, but still not fun. After she wakes up she is pretty happy and content for a couple of hours, but then she gets fussy and it's all downhill from there. Night time sucks. Sleeping is not fun. Maizey can't breathe very well so she'll sleep for a couple of hours and then wake up for a couple of hours. And, of course, that means I'm up with her. Oh well. Hopefully it's a short cold, it came on pretty quick, so maybe it will fizzle out quick too.

Not much new to report. I'm working hard on my nursing school application. It's so exciting and scary. The application is a lot of work, a lot of boxes to check off. I'm having to study remedial math for the basic math test we have to pass. No calculators allowed, so I'm having to relearn very long division. It's annoying, but pretty easy once you brush up on it. I met with my advisor last week who told me I'm a "very competitive" candidate, which made me feel better. Nothing more frightening than working so hard for something and not knowing if you'll make the cut! I won't find out until probably December and would start in January.

Ryan, Maizey, and I (and Lou) are headed to the cabin for vacation this week. Ryan hasn't taken any vacation time since Christmas, so I'm excited to get away. Plus, the weather is supposed to be really great.

What else? Nothing really. I'm looking forward to Christmas. And, on that note, I think it's time to proceed with the photos.

Oh yeah, Ryan and I have watched 50 episodes (the first 2 seasons) of Lost in the last 2 weeks. Quite a feat when you have a 15 month old. And, a nice way to spend those beautiful summer days. The show is mostly just annoying to me now, but I have to watch it. It's like crack--bad, low quality, last resort kind of crack.

Maizey and I went to visit auntie Erika last week. We took Cash on a walk at Lincoln park. The leaves were already beginning to fall and Maizey and I were dressed the same, so an impromptu photo session was in order...
There's nothing "natural" about this pose, but you can see our matching outfits...
Look at her teeth!

I want to kiss those lips right now.
No, this did not come in a frame I bought, it's real!
Oh my god, I LIVE for this...
Beautiful fall, beautiful girl. She's obsessed with this little backpack. It zips onto the carrier backpack that we just bought for her, which we love. Every morning she finds this backpack, fills it with treasures, and carries it around like she's the most important person on the planet--which she is.
Here she is mid-sneeze this morning. Can you see the goo coming out from her nose and mouth?
Here she is yesterday morning. Do you like her crazy-morning-just-trying-to-keep-her-warm-in-clothes-i-don't-care-about-getting-messy outfit?
Waiting for daddy to finish mowing the lawn so we can go out and play!
Being silly!

Daddy! Are you done yet?? This is her sick today. She can still party like a rock star, and do yoga like Madonna.

We were having our daily, mandatory outdoor time. We're trying to instill this in her so she doesn't end up being an indoors-only, tv watchin' girl--basically so she doesn't turn into me. She thinks I'm nuts.
We have to mandate outdoor time for Lou too. She's an indoor girl.
I tell Maizey all the time not to text and drive at the same time, it's so dangerous!
She wanted my Iced Mocha sososo bad, so I finally let her try a sip to punish her. She immediately dropped this cup and gagged. Thankfully it went my way. I'm pretty sure she won't be begging for iced mochas anymore.
She found a soft place to sit.
Sharing her animal crackers with Lou.
Jessica, Georgia, the kids, and I went to the Taste of Edmonds yesterday. To my dear friend Jill, who rounds out our foursome, this was improptu and in no way did we intend to exclude. Don't feel bad, you just missed over priced food and poor event planning--too many people in too little of a space!
I didn't get the memo to wear pink ;-)
Maizey trying cotton candy for the first time, she didn't get it.
Sporting the fancy crown that auntie Jess helped her make!
Cute kids in crowns.
Ari and her balloon doggy.

Happy family.
Auntie Jess and Maizey.
I figured I should probably try to get Ryan on this blog occasionally. So here is a funny photo I found of him eating chicken and watching Dr. Phil. Getting in touch with his feminine side.

Here is another one of him. I look cute, he looks kooky. But it's better that than the other way around, if you ask me. He's still super cute and I love him.