Today was a productive day. I waited forever for the urge to nest when I was pregnant, but I think it finally came today--5 months after Maizey was born (I'm always a little behind in these areas). I cleaned pretty much from the moment I woke up until the moment I sat down to blog. My cleaning spree even included pulling up the sofa cushions and vacuuming the inside of the couch--somewhere my mom is jumping for joy.
Speaking of my mom. I've been meaning to post that her surgery is scheduled for October 2nd. We've gotten some good news lately. Including the news that her MRI revealed no other signs of cancer anywhere (not even in her lymph nodes, but we'll need to wait until after surgery to be sure). Surgery will be followed by about 6-7weeks of radiation, which will surely exhaust her, which means that I am hoping this nesting thing I am experiencing will last another 8 or so weeks since my mama won't be around to do it. Yes, my mom cleans my house, and yes, I am ashamed of that.
I think that Maizey may have hit the 14lb mark since I've been fortifying her milk. That would mean a weight gain of 1lb! This elates me to no end. She's even been doing a little better at eating solids. We made her homemade applesauce with apples from my mom's yard at the cabin. Okay, okay, my mom made it, but I watched and fully intend to do it myself next time. Anyway, Maizey seems to like it. We made an adult version (meaning it has sugar and cinnamon) and it's so good, it's all I want to eat these days.
School starts next week and I'm really nervous about what it's going to feel like to have something to do besides be a mom. I've been so lucky to be able to focus only on her for the last 5 months and I'm going through withdrawal at the mere thought of this changing. I've finally made the switcharoo to Everett CC and I already feel like the new kid. I don't know where anything is or where to park or if the instructors will be harder or easier. I'm already sort of annoyed that I had to pay $283 for textbooks for ONE class (Microbiology)--but who knows, it may have been the same at Shoreline. I'm winding down with the prerequisites for my program and I can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel!!! Finally!
Here are some photos:
Crazy Maizey in her onesie from Auntie Jill. Yes, she was expensive--but worth it!
Maizey looking frightened by the proximity of this fish.
Maizey looking bored--she wasn't that interested in touching the sea anemones.
Love it.
She did like the tropical tanks, where everything is lit up and colorful.
The closest thing we could get to a family photo.
Mama and Maize gettin' ready to depart.
Maizey chewing her coat.
Daddy giving Maizey a bottle before we headed home.
ooh, im so jelous! My sis and i have been talking about going down to the aquarium!!
Yay that you think she might have gained a pound! that is a lot!! and don't worry, as soon as she starts gaining weight better again, she'll give you something else to worry about, no doubt!
Love her! I am so happy you guys went to the aquarium...I love how Ryan is holding her so she could look up at the fishies..she's the cutest. She always has her little "surprised face" like Candy always did..and she looks exactly like both of you and it's SO difficult to understand that since you and Ryan don't look alike! Anyway, I love the pics. And I'm so proud of you for having your cleaning nesting day! But you know anytime you need help with that, I am more than happy to...I LOVE to clean as you know...and I wouldn't mind seeing Maizey either!
HOw freakin' cute is my niece??? Love her.
The aquarium is awesome, everyone should go! The sea otters and sea lions are the coolest.
I have never felt so honored...I love that pic of Maizey in the onezie that I got her. She is more than worth it!!!
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