Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Cutie Patootie

Maizey is doing great, I still have to wake her up at night--so I average about 7 hours a night of sleep, with about an hour and a half break in the middle, not so bad. She got up to her birth weight (and exceeded it slightly) by Monday. Most babies take 2 weeks to reach this milestone...not my baby, this is one of a lifetime of early achievements--mark my words. Other than that, she is as cute and silly as ever. She is looking more and more like Ryan every day, especially in the eyes and lips. I think she got his laid back temperament too, lucky for me, oh and his bowels--not so lucky for me.

In time I will figure out how to manage my time better so I can give more thorough updates, but for now this will have to do. :-)

Here are a couple of my new favorite pics.

This is how I multi-task

Maizey sleeping in her standard karate pose

Looking very sad in her boppy

Big Yawn!

Baby and me. Ryan told me I look like a member of the Jackson family in this picture.


al said...

i cannot wait to meet you guys! Seattle here I come! She is so amazing Lana, and you look so happy.

CONGRATULATIONS a million times over.


Jessica Zevely said...

GORGEOUS baby girl...I love her so much already and I can't wait to babysit!

Auntie Jess

al said...


Do you not have any consideration for your best friend who lives across the country and has not gotten to lay eyes on your child in person yet? NEW PICS, NEW POST PLEASE it has been over a week already!
