Anyway, my girl is being her lovely, crazy self, despite quite a big fall today. I don't understand how babies are so resilient, I can guarantee that if I fell off a bed today I would not be happy and playing. I couldn't even give her Tylenol because the docs didn't want it to mask potential symptoms. She's the happiest girl in the world, she never complains, and she's all mine.
Here are a couple of videos of Maizey's new laugh, she does it ALL the time, it's adorable and nuts--just like her. Also, we had a family dinner last Saturday night, and as always auntie Ricky was ready with the camera.
This is Darren trying to sneak some chocolate. Soooo cute.
Pretty cousin Harper.
The cutest skirt (and baby) in the world, courtesy of auntie--who else?I don't have a pic of the entire outfit, but surely you can appreciate the recurring theme of tulle. It's ridiculous!
Darren's belly button.
They look exactly alike!
Here is that crazy laugh...
Maizey waving "hi" and sporting her new swimsuit.
Another video of her crazy laugh. I think that this swimsuit will leave crazy tan lines with its huge bow.
Well, this post turned out not be as quick as I'd hoped. Oh well.